Homemade Energy Bars

Have you noticed that the term “energy bars,” is just a nice way to say “high calorie treats?”  Well, it is.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t love them. I just think of them as slightly healthier cookies.  And conveniently, if you happen to really need to squeeze more calories into your diet, they’re an efficient way to do just that.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oat, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to eat vegan one day a week.  It’s a little spin on the now-popular concept of “meatless Mondays.”  A week ago, one of my coworkers brought me a few of these treats that she made with her kids over the weekend because she thought they’d be right up my alley.  Turns out they ARE.  She knows me so well. 🙂

All natural peanut butter, honey, oat, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

Incidentally, she brought me these snacks on a Monday.  (Remember – it was “vegan-Monday” for me.)  Her recipe included chocolate chips which, sadly, are not technically vegan.  Bummer.  Never one to be dissuaded when there is food at stake, I managed to eat nearly a full container while picking around all the chocolate chips.  (All the more chocolate chips leftover for Tuesday, so that was good news.)

All natural peanut butter, honey, oat, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

I loved them so much that I wanted to have them every day for the rest of my life, so I looked up the recipe.  I also wanted to avoid picking around the chocolate chips on every vegan-Monday for the rest of my life, so I substituted dried cherries for the chocolate chips.  Perfect substitute. Who needs chocolate? (Ok, I do. Tuesday through Sunday.)

All natural peanut butter, honey, oat, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

The energy bars are so chewy and crumbly they basically fall apart in your little hand.   Every single ingredient in these bars is on my favorite foods list individually, so it stands to reason that they’d be awesome together – peanut butter, oats (I used a combo of steel cut and quick), unsweetened coconut flakes, honey, dried cherries, happiness, etc., etc.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

To be sure they stay in tact, after mixing up all the ingredients, they go into the freezer for an hour or so, and then they’re ready to cut into squares.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

All natural peanut butter, honey, oats, and coconut make these vegan treats addicting little rewards.

Of course, should you also happen to enjoy high calorie peanut-butter based snacks, the recipe is available at Clean Food Crush.

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