Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce

It’s cold.  You may be in the process of getting snowed in right now (depending on where you live). I dare you to come up with a better idea than staying in and making brunch tomorrow morning.

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

Today’s post was once again inspired by the one and only Bobby Flay.  I received a copy of Bobby’s new cookbook, Brunch at Bobby’s for Christmas this year, and I’ve been really pumped up to try out some of the recipes since I’ve been obsessed with this show on the Food Network for several months now.  What can I say?  Bobby just gets me.

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

Things I liked about this frittata include but are not limited to the following: 1) it was easy to make, 2) it wasn’t terribly high calorie which meant I didn’t feel guilty about accompanying it with some delicious breakfast carbs, and 3) it tasted amazing.  My husband called it, “the best baked egg thing” I’ve ever made.  (Sorry if that’s over your heads – he’s always using technical terms like that.)

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

I would have been satisfied with either the frittata on its own, OR with a heaping bowl full of these roasted tomatoes, but together they are a double whammy of wonderful.

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

Although we undoubtedly could have kept some of this frittata to eat as leftovers the next day, we found that it wouldn’t be necessary to try to find ways to dispose of it.  It was really hard to draw the line between when our first meal ended and snacking on the leftover frittata began.  Juuuuust as I was finally covering half of it in plastic wrap, hubs sauntered on in to the kitchen thinking it would be a good time to go back for thirds.  I battled plastic wrap for NOTHING.

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

Even if it didn’t taste good, it’s so stinking pretty that it’s worth making this anyways, especially if you either 1) have company or 2) are a weirdo who photographs your food.  Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

To find the recipe and make your own delicious frittata thereby impressing friends, family, or your dog, navigate on over to this link at The Cooking Channel, or might I suggest getting a copy of Brunch at Bobby’s for yourself?

Frittata with Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce |

Ok, now get to the store!  Before you’re snowed all the way in.

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